I have been trying to sell a fridge on Craigslist, and every so often I get harassed by some moron trying to buy my items via a wire transfer or money order. What makes this so ridiculous is Craigslist forwards every email with a bold, multi-color header that warns against making such a transaction.
This morning I received one of the worst, most flagrant scam emails that has ever graced my inbox.
Hello,After reading this, I was moved to reply to this asshole.
I appreciate your item ads posted at www.craigslist.org and i will like to make inquiry. Am interested in buying the item from you. I would have love to come and check it myself and make payment with cash but I just got married and am presently on a honeymoon trip to Hawaii with my wife. Kindly withhold it with immediate effect from the advert Web as i don't mind adding $50 for you to do that, so I can be rest assured that the item is held for me.
I should believe it is in good condition as stated. I will be making the payment via Money Order,which my secretary will mail across to you. My Mover will be coming to check it from you once the payment has been cashed. Please I will need both your full Name, Phone Number and physical Address to issue out the payment. Awaiting your reply.
Gary Collin
Dear Mr. Collin,If you would like to sell anything to Mr. Collin, please feel free to email him at garrycolline@gmail.com. I am sure he will make you a good deal.
I appreciate your interest in my listings. Your generic email which makes no reference to any of my items for sale made me optimistic. If you would like for me to hold the items, I would appreciate it if you please send the money order to my cousin in Nairobi. He has been having some tough times as the prince of an obscure territory in Africa and has found much of his funds locked up in a bank. In order for him to get access to his funds, he needs a small loan which will allow him to get his money and pay back 10 times your investment! If you are interested, please wire the funds to
8 Valley Road. P.O Box 42254.
City, Nairobi. Country, Kenya
c/o Prince Mahmoud Bhaja
I look forward to doing business with you.
The Rapscallion
P.s.- Go F*** Yourself and Stop Ruining Craigslist you sack of s***!